How can you help

For a scout to get what they deserve from their scouting experience, there needs to be adults willing to put in the work to help that scout achieve.

Scouting is run by volunteers. There are many roles that adults are needed to make the scouts experience as enjoyable and worthwhile as possible. Some of these roles require more time than others, but there is always somewhere that you can contribute.

Youth Protection Training - Everyone should go through the YPT online. This training will help you better protect your scout and other scouts by being able to identify behaviors that are concerning and understand how scouting has evolved to be more vigilant when it comes to a scouts safety.

There are adult leadership positions that help run the Pack so that every scout can get everything they deserve from their scouting experience. There are also many support activities that require adults to assist on an event by event or month by month basis.


Non-leadership roles that help the pack out:

Recruitment via social media

Other role

Annual events that need assistance:

August - Recruitment drives at local schools

September - Fall Family campout

October - Bobcat Ceremony

December - Holiday Party and Cross-over ceremony

February - Pinewood Derby

April - Spring Family Campout

May - Blue and Gold

Adult Leadership positions - These postions are generally scout facing and require training. 

Committee Chair - Primary managerial position for the Pack. 

Responsibilities Include:

Cubmaster - Primary facilitator of the Pack Scouting Program

Responsibilities Include:

Treasurer - Pack financial officer

Popcorn Kernel

Advancement Chair 

Pack Outings/ Activites Chair

Ceremonies Chair

Den Leader - Primary facilitator of the Scout Program at the Den level